angol szókincs



Telehasú jóindulat a csibebecsinált után

2010. augusztus 02. - notary
- Now, was I King of France, cried I--what a moment for an orphan
to have begg'd his father's portmanteau of me!


I had scarce uttered the words, when a poor monk of the order of
St. Francis came into the room to beg something for his convent.
No man cares to have his virtues the sport of contingencies--or one
man may be generous, as another is puissant;--sed non quoad hanc--
or be it as it may,--for there is no regular reasoning upon the
ebbs and flows of our humours; they may depend upon the same
causes, for aught I know, which influence the tides themselves:
'twould oft be no discredit to us, to suppose it was so:  I'm sure
at least for myself, that in many a case I should be more highly
satisfied, to have it said by the world, "I had had an affair with
the moon, in which there was neither sin nor shame," than have it
pass altogether as my own act and deed, wherein there was so much
of both.

- But, be this as it may,--the moment I cast my eyes upon him, I
was predetermined not to give him a single sous; and, accordingly,
I put my purse into my pocket--buttoned it--set myself a little
more upon my centre, and advanced up gravely to him...

(Sterne: A Sentimental Journey)

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